
Promos and Deals

Unlock Exclusive Deals with T+ Privileges

As a Tuas Power customer, you can unlock a world of exclusive and exciting deals just for you so you can enjoy even greater savings!


View Contract details and do self service

Empower your Experience with T+ Privileges

Tuas Power is always committed to improving and enhancing your customer experience. Beyond viewing your contract and profile details on the go, with T+ Privilege, you can do more. Easily log in to renew your contract, submit relocation requests, and more with just a few clicks!



Enjoy Triple the Blessings with our Referral Program

To thank you for giving us the privilege to light up your homes, Tuas Power's Refer A Friend+ Program enables you to enjoy more rewards and more savings! Log in to T+ Privilege and start sharing your referral code to enjoy a $20 bill rebate and view your past referral records all in one place!

Featured Rewards
Bread Garden
Bread Garden

Free Yolk Pastry Set For Every $150 and above spent on Mooncakes!


20% OFF on all small home and kitchen appliances! Plus, receive a complimentary Handheld Portable Vacuum worth $299 with a minimum purchase of $800.

Nippon Paint
Nippon Paint

Additional $150 OFF on sealer with every whole house painting package.

Singapore Discovery Centre
Singapore Discovery Centre

Apply promo code to get 15% OFF.


Sign up for a 30-days $0 deposit trial account + Enjoy $20 OFF your first booking.

Sofitel Sentosa
Sofitel Sentosa

ROOMS: 10% Discount on Best Available Rate.

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